Sunday, August 31, 2014

Petersburg Adventures

Back in June I got to spend a week in Petersburg for work.  In celebration of still not having received my per diem for the trip, I thought I would finally update my blog a bit (that and I'm going to Wrangell next week).

So first and foremost Petersburg has a sick obsession (cue Kesha music), with Hewscrafts.  There entire middle dock is like a floating advertisment for the company.  Seriously, what do you all have against Bayliners?

A friend of mine warned me before I went to Petersburg that nothing good ever happens between Wrangell and Petersburg.  While I have never been on a boat between those areas, I have to respectfully disagree.  It's absolutely beautiful!  On my one day off I had while I was there I drove to the end of the road and took a ton of poor quality iphone pictures along the way.

I should also point out that I did a bunch of touristy stuff along the way, including stopping by the swan observatory (there weren't any there, but it was still neat).
Can I just say how nice it was to see a bunch of Pushki?

I also did some hiking along the way.  I did three trails actually. The first one is a nice little boardwalk loop to Blind River Rapids.  I'm told it has some great fishing.

 The second one is a nice little nature hike called Ohmer Creek Trail.  It does have one section where it comes to a road (turn left).  I may or may not of went right the first time and walked about a mile before I realized I went the wrong way.  Oh well, that is what adventures are all about.

I also went out to Three Lakes/ Ideal Cove trail.  It's on a one way dirt road.  It kind of reminded me of going ptarmigan hunting with my dad when I was a kid.  Complete with a bunch of swearing when I got my truck stuck.  So thank you kind stranger for pulling me out, it would have been interesting to have to explain to my boss how I got my work truck stuck on my day off.
I took the Crane Lake section

I feel there should be ptarmigan here.

It's good (?) to know there are assholes everywhere.

I didn't bring any food with me, thankfully nature can provide.

Ideal Cove and Frederick's Sound

tThey have a public paddle boat you can use.  An older couple were using it, and the little old guy was paddling is little wife around the lake.

Overall, I would have to say Petersburg is a pretty cool place.  After all they do have a Viking ship sitting right in the middle of town.

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