This week has been ripe with instances of WTF!? I would say this odd phenomenon is due to spring fever mixed with a serious case of the April's, however; I think someone pushed the 'skip season' button on the planet's DVD player again. What other excuse would cause 45 degree weather this time of year? Weather aside, the level of odd this week is still of the chart.
First off is the level of insult suffered when two married men laugh about your sex (or lack there of) life. Bite me, you two, we all know married people don't get any! Along the same lines, but on the opposite end of the terrifying spectrum was getting taunted by a big lesbian crack head. There was a wolf whistle, followed by some comment about a rail and a strap-on. I won't say I ran to my car in fear, but I totally ran to my car in fear.
Speaking of crackheads, they never fail to entertain when observed from a safe distance. Case-and-point: Watching a two hundred pound man leap and twirl down the dock while nonchalantly, but entirely suspiciously eyeballing the contents of skiffs. Presumably for some gas to huff or something of the such. That sort of image sticks with you.
Despite all of this though I still think seeing an entire house float down the Narrows takes the cake. Yes, a whole house. Don't believe me? Here's a picture:
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